Age Calculator




Online Age Calculator

This is free tool for calculate age. This tool is designed for calculate age in term of years months days, months days, weeks days, total days, total hours, total minutes and total seconds.

How to Use This Tools

This tool is very easy to use. You will follow bellow steps for calculate your age.

1. Date of Birth: This is a date field, you can input your date of birth here or select from date picker from right side of this field.

2. Age Calculation Date: This is also a date field, you can input a date which date you want to calculate your age or select from date picker from right side of this field.

3. Calculate : Click on the buttun "Calculate". It calculate your age in term of years months days, months days, weeks days, total days, total hours, total minutes and total seconds.

4. Result : This is hidden div if you click calculate show this div with your age result.