Work Hour / Time Card Calculator
Online Work Hours Calculator / Time Card Calculator
This is a free online tool for calculate weekly time card or work hours includes payment information and some other options. This tool is designed to calculate time card or weekly work hours. You can include the paymet option in your time card if you want, you can deduct break time, you can round work time and calculate over time. This tool is fully parameterized, you can enable or disable options according to your needed.
How to Use This Tools
This tool has three part. 1.Settings 2.Details Time Table and 3.Calculate Time Card. Uses of this tool is very simple, you will just follow below steps.
1. Settings
1. Round Time: This is a dropdown field for rounding the total time after calculation. Here are some value like "no round, round nearest 5, 10, 15, 30 minute". By default it will set "no round", you can select any of them.
2. Report Title: This is input field for time card report heading. You can input your name here.
3. Report Note: This is input field for time card report foter. You can input your anything here.
4. Deduct Break Time: This is a checkbox, if you want to deduct break time from time card then select.
5. Include Payment Info: This is a checkbox, if you want to include payment info in your time card then select it. If you checked this field it will enable bellow fields.
6. Pay Currency & Rate: This field is for pay currency and payment rate per hour. By default it will set doller for currenct and 50 for payment rate per hour. You can select as per your requirment.
7. Overtime Calculate Per Day: This is a checkbox, this field is for select overtime options, select this option if your overtime calculated daily. After selecting this option it will activate another option.
8. Overtime Calculate Per Week: This is a checkbox, this field is for select overtime options, select this option if your overtime calculated weekly. After selecting this option it will activate another option.
9. Calculate OT Over (8) Hours Per Day : This field will be active after checking "Overtime Calculate Per Day". By default it will set to 8 hours a day. You can input your desired time.
10. Calculate OT Over (40) Hours Per Week : This field will be active after checking "Overtime Calculate Per Week". By default it will set to 40 hours a week. You can input your desired time.
11. Overtime Rate (1.5) Times Than Base Rate: This field is for over time rate. If your over time rate is greater then base rate than input the rate. If you base rate and overtime rate are same then input "1".
2. Details Time Table
This is weekly time table. If you go to this page it will show the start time is 8:30 AM and the end time is 5:00 PM and the break time is 30 minutes. Bellow this table there is button "Copy first row's data to all row",
if you click this button the time is set for all days of then week. There is a "Clear" button on right side of every row, you can clear a row if not needed.
There is a "Clear All" button bellow the "Clear" button, if you click this button all data of the details table will be cleared.
Calculate Button: There is a calculate button bellow the time table. If you click this button it will calculate all info like weekly total time, regular time, overtime, payment information, over time payment information etc.
1. Time Card
This is a hidden section, if you click "Calculate" button it will show all of your time and payment information.
Button Print: There is a "Print" button bellow the time card. By clicking on it, you can print your time card and use it if necessary.